Sunday, January 2, 2011

So I slacked off with my blog after just a couple of posts. No more! It is one of my goals for this year to be consistent with my blogging - we'll see how it goes!

I've set a few goals in my life for this year - and wonderfully had a few great Christmas gifts to get me on my way!

Goal 1: (As stated above) - Blog consistently! I'm hoping to get at least 2 posts a week. More if possible, but hey, let's work baby steps here.

Goal 2: In my brewing life, we'll be making the big switch to All-Grain brewing thanks to my mom and her hubby's generous Christmas gift! Yay! Just one more step along the way to our eventual brewpub!

Goal 3: Work diligently on my Baby Steps in Dave Ramsey's program. We've got the debt snowball rolling, and although I will not get specific about our finances on this blog, I have 2 debts I want to have paid off by the end of the year.

Goal 4: Actually get through the bible! I'm signed up on to complete the Bible in 90 days program starting tomorrow. Although I do not intend for this to be a religiously based blog, I think that blogging about it during the first 3 months during the year will help to keep me accountable. Again, we'll see how it goes!

Goal 5: I want to have some sort of de-cluttering goal for myself. I've come to the conclusion (as has my husband) that we have entirely too much STUFF. Now, with Aleyna growing, we can slowly start to get rid of all of our baby stuff (YAY!) since she will be our last little one.
I have heard of people doing a 730 item challenge - getting rid of 2 items a day for a whole year. Yes, I'm a bit behind already, but it seems like an attainable goal.

Goal 6: Focus on my Real-Food conversion. This will be the main focus of my blog over the next year. I will be sharing recipes, techniques, and other relevant items I find. We'll see how far I can go with the family and what they will put up with in the next year!

Anyway, those are my main goals for the year. I'm hoping to keep up on them, and participate in blog carnivals and things of that nature to keep me motivated and accountable. In the meantime, I hope everyone has had a great holiday season and Happy New Year!!

~~** D **~~

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